Sunday, December 6, 2009

Margaret Norton Radford
Artist Statement

I began this series of paintings in 1985 when I started college at The Savannah College of Art and Design. Since childhood, I worked diligently and developed a photo-realistic style of drawing and painting and focused mainly on portraits.When this series was born, I stopped painting with my eyes and used my mind as a reference instead.Rather than merely recording visual information, I utilized the elements of art to express emotions, solve problems,and as an escape from the real world.

At first, I expressed social fears with cold leering groups of figures, which gave my work an eerie eldritch feel. I found painting in this manner had a therapeutic effect that helped to relieve fears by transferring them to this new "inner world". As I continued I began to include other aspects of myself to this series such as positive ideas and silly whimsical imaginings. I began adding personal icons that drew me closer and more endeared to the paintings. Humor and nonsense crept in and mingled with those fears...expressionism blended with fantasy. Aesthetically, my inner realm developed a language of my own with the lines, colors, shapes and subjects that unite my paintings.

I feel the distorted frames complete my work. They reflect the frames within the paintings and reemphasize my "worlds within worlds"theme. My frames symbolize windows to not only my imagination but to the veiwers' as well. I created this series of paintings for myself and have been delighted when others have found them meaningful.It is remarkable that feelings so personal are also so universal.I am happy to share my work.

Recent Exhibition History

Jan. 7th 2005 “Other Worlds Paintings by Margaret Radford” Catch 22 Gallery St. Augustine FL.
Oct. 5th 2005 “Group Show” Jacksonville Institute of Art

April to June 2009 "Riverside Arts Market" Jacksonville FL.

Margaret’s work is always on display for private showings by appointment.

2 New Paintings by Margaret Radford



These are my two newest framed paintings: Love and Affection. I hope you like them.